an accident made beautiful…

Hi my friend,

Did you know squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they buried their acorns? (Yes, seriously. Look it up!)

What they don't realize is they're doing a great service to the world while having no idea they're doing it! 

Now, if only I could remember where I put my car keys…🤣

Speaking of small things creating significant impact, it brings me to our quote of the week:

Van Gogh didn't become a master painter by waving a magical paintbrush and saying, “Abracadabra!” Each painting, each masterpiece, came to life one stroke at a time, a series of small things brought together to form a whole.

Like the squirrel’s forgetfulness or Van Gogh's thoughtful strokes on canvas, our lives are a series of small things brought together.

Every decision we make, every word we say, every step we take, adds a stroke to the canvas of our life.

 Don't underestimate the power of your small actions. (Brushing your teeth doesn't seem like a big deal until you skip it for a week. Trust me on that one!)


Your Action Step: Embrace the small. Whether it's waking up five minutes earlier, making your bed in the morning, sending a quick message of encouragement to a friend, or even remembering to water your plants—each action counts.

We all have our goals and dreams. But let's not forget that it's not about one grand, sweeping gesture but a series of small, consistent steps.

So keep planting those acorns! 😉


With gratitude,



P.S. Have you listened to the newest episode of Mom Proof?

In a world where physical safety is ingrained into our lives, what are the “mental seat belts” our kids need for success? Today on Mom Proof, we’re talking about the vital psychological tools and life skills that will keep our children grounded and protected. Click here to listen now or watch it below👇


what lip balm, paper clips, and Audrey Hepburn have in common…