what lip balm, paper clips, and Audrey Hepburn have in common…

Hi my friend,

As I was cleaning out my junk drawer this week, I came across a cluster of those long-lost items we can't seem to let go of.

You know the ones I mean: half-eaten tubes of lip balm, the keys to unknown locks, two dozen paperclips that have become a modern art masterpiece, and, my personal favorite, a single expired coupon for a free smoothie.


It's all so fascinating, isn't it? Well, sort of...😆

But it got me thinking...what's really important to hold onto in life?

This week's gem of wisdom comes from the legendary Audrey Hepburn:

Audrey didn't say to hold onto a lifetime supply of lip balm or those keys. She said each other.

Beyond her role as an actress, Audrey Hepburn was a philanthropist and humanitarian who understood the deep truth of our interconnectedness.

When we “hold onto each other,” it's about offering support, comfort, and mutual respect to one another.

It's about being there in times of joy and in times of sorrow, celebrating victories and soothing wounds. It's about the strength and beauty of connection, the power of empathy, and the magic of understanding.

In the movie called life, we are not solo actors but part of an ensemble cast. Our relationships—with family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers we connect with briefly—are what enrich our lives, bring us joy, challenge us, and help us grow.


Your Action Step: This week, reach out to someone. Offer support, share a laugh, or simply let them know you're there.

Because at the end of the day, the best treasures in our life are the relationships we have with each other 🧡


With gratitude,



P.S. The newest episode of Mom Proof is here—and it’s a good one!

 We’re talking all about the mixed emotions experienced by both parents and young adults by graduation and the anxiety-triggered avoidance that can arise. Click here to listen now or watch it below👇


an accident made beautiful…


when in doubt, dance it out 💃🏻