are you planting good seeds?

Are you planting good seeds? 


No, I promise I'm not talking about planting tomatoes or squash in your garden (if we're being honest, I just buy mine at Costco!). 


I love to think of acts of kindness and good deeds as planting seeds in the world. 


The way you talk with people, the words you type across a screen or post on social media, and the way you interact with the cashier at the grocery store are all little seeds you're planting. 


Suddenly, what feel like small, insignificant moments now matter—they're all opportunities to plant good or bad seeds. 


It made me think of the wise words of Saint Basil:



Even if you’re never repaid, your kindness isn’t lost. It’s a seed—planted in the ground and growing to make your corner of the world a much better and happier place.


Plus, you never know what the elderly man you pass in the grocery store or the Starbucks barista making your oat milk latte might be going through.


Open the door for the man and offer to help him with his groceries. Smile, be kind when the Starbucks drive-thru is super slow, and say “I appreciate you.” 


Show people they are seen and loved. (And who knows—your kindness could bloom into an unexpected friendship down the road!)


Your Action Step: Start thinking of every act of kindness as a seed you’re planting in the world. Whether it’s noticed by onlookers or not, you can smile to yourself knowing that you’ve made the world a little bit better.


When you plant good things, good things grow. And I think we could all plant a little more love and kindness in this world 🧡


With love,



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