can someone hand me the tissues?

Hi my friend,

It’s a bittersweet week at the Amelio household.

My daughter Avery will be done with high school next week—and I just can’t believe it’s here. We've been talking about this day all year long.

So, you can catch me somewhere between buying a box of tissues to mop up the happy tears and looking for a good therapist to handle the sheer shock of “How did my baby grow up so fast?” 🥲 

But on a serious note, this quote from Columbus reminds me that leaving behind the familiar “shore” of high school—or wherever you find yourself right now!—is a brave step towards the “ocean” of limitless opportunities.

Yes, it might feel daunting, but it's a part of the journey you’ve been preparing for.

So, as your son or daughter gets ready to toss their cap in the air (or you find yourself about to make a big transition no matter your age), remember that you have all the courage you need to cross this ocean. 

It's the same courage that got you through difficult exams, demanding sports practices, your first heartbreak, and those tough times you never thought you would make it through.

Remember, every great explorer had a first voyage. This is yours.

Here's to losing sight of the shore, and finding the courage to explore the vast ocean of possibilities.

And happy graduation to all those grads and parents this week. Soak in every moment 😉

With gratitude,



P.S. Speaking of grads, does your student have the college readiness skills they need? 🎉


On this week's episode of Mom Proof, we're talking all about life skills for graduating seniors going to the next chapter of their lives. 


Click here to listen now or watch it below👇


when in doubt, dance it out 💃🏻


the crazy truth about being a mom