when you do this, life gets better 🧡
Have you ever noticed how your mood can change depending on the people you are with?
How do you feel when you spend time with positive, encouraging friends? These are people who are constantly grateful for the blessings in their life and who uplift, love, and cheer on those around them. Now, these are my kind of people!
But on the other hand, people who are more negative can leave you feeling discouraged and drained. Choose wisely.
I've been thinking recently about the impact that time with different people has on my life and well-being. It made me think of this week’s quote by Paulo Coelho:
I was reminded that the energy we bring into a room truly does affect our families, friends, coworkers, and more.
But…it starts with us. It starts with you and me. It starts with us recognizing that our attitude and presence impact others.
Once we realize that, the magic happens. We become better. The world around us becomes better. People start to notice positivity—and it creates an energy and buzz that changes things.
Here’s your Action Step: How can you become a better version of yourself? Write it down. Put it on a sticky note where you'll see it every day.
Your positivity has the power to create a massive ripple effect. No matter your job. No matter where you live. No matter your schedule. No matter your circumstances.
The way we show up, the joy and energy we carry into a room matters, First name / my friend. Never stop growing. Never stop learning.
Choose the positive. And when you do, life gets better 🧡
With love,